Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 23-25 Oktober 2024, Bintang Bali Resort, Indonesia

CITEE 2024

23-25 Oktober 2024 Bintang Bali Resort, Indonesia

Joint Conference 2024:

"Integrating Technology, Energy, and Health for a Sustainable Future"

Topics of Interest

Topik makalah yang ditawarkan, tetapi tidak dibataskan terkait bidang :
Energi Terbarukan
Machine Learning
Pemrosesan Sinyal
Sistem Kendali
Sistem Tenaga
Smart City
Smart Learning
Smart Living
Smart Mobility
Teknik Biomedis
Teknik Komputer
Teknologi Informasi
Teknologi Komunikasi
Untai Elektronika

Tanggal Penting

  • Submission Deadline:
    19 Mei 2024
    30 Juni 2024
    31 Juli 2024 (Final)
  • Notification of acceptance:
    19 Juni 2024
    30 Juli 2024
    31 Agustus 2024
  • Registration Deadline:
    19 Agustus 2024
  • Camera Ready:
    21 Agustus 2024
  • Conference Date:
    23-25 Oktober 2024

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Johan Debayle

MINES Saint-Etienne, France

Prof. Masahiro Takei

Vice President of Chiba University


Some of beautifull side of Bintang Bali Resort

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